The more you know, the better chance you have at survival…

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Billy Boy (2012)

Billy Boy is the world’s most dangerous PETT and heir to the Klown Kartel. His first appearance to the public was in Billy Boy: Clown of Many Mysteries in which he’s escaped the Kartel and kind of lost his mind in the process.

Currently, he’s growing an army to fight the Kartel.

Kitty Clown (2015)

Billy Boy’s friend that has helped him navigate life outside the Kartel while providing quality intel to help the AKA (Anti-Klown Army) gain an advantage.

Mr. X (2018)

Mr. X is an elite PETT working for the Kartel attempting to capture and bring Billy Boy back to the Kartel. Although against the rules, it seems every time he’s killed he re-spawns, so perhaps there’s more PETT’s wearing his masks attacking him?

The Smiley Brigade (2021)

The Smiley Brigade is a faction within the Kartel meant to maintain order, power, and clean-up anything that may get out of hand.

Nico (?)

Nico is a master at arms and has mastered every type of weapon and fighting style known to man. He’s also the co-founder of the Kartel alongside Vittorio and has gone through the same rigorous training as Vittorio minus a few phases.

Vittorio (2018)

Vittorio is the smartest person on Earth after being trained as a child by a Scientist to unleash his full potential, financed by his parents, some of the wealthiest people on the planet. He co-founded the Kartel with his partner, Nico, and now preparing for a global takeover.

Alana (?)

Alana is a world class parkour athlete and martial artist with her own freerunning gym that finds William in a dumpster barely alive and nurses him back to health.